The Town fans' view on... HTFC Bondholders

Huddersfield Town story posted by Garfield (Admin) on 20/06/2003
The past week has been a week of mixed emotions for Town fans across the globe. The majority of fans will have been absolutely delighted with the outcome of Wednesday's CVA meetings, but Huddersfield Town Bondholders, however, will have felt delighted and gutted at the same time due to their bonds being cleared.The Town fans' view on... HTFC Bondholders

The Terrier-Bytes Town fans have varying views on the topic. Some of the fans feel that the outcome was the only possible outcome due to the situation the terriers were in, whilst others feel the Bondholders have been hard done by and should be rewarded in some way.

Shotgun Pete from Huddersfield thinks the fans should have been excluded from the administrator's terms.

"I just can't put my finger on why they didn't leave the fans out of the whole mess," said Pete. "I mean, it wouldn't have cost Town a penny to honour the four-year-long season ticket to those who forked out their hard-earned cash before last season," he continued.

SadTechy from Brisbane, Australia agrees with Shotgun Pete.

"I feel very sad for those Bondholders. Some may have made large financial sacrifices, for what."

Digger from Huddersfield feels Mr Davy's decision is correct.

"Mr Davy is right though - creditors can't be seen to be treated differently or the chances of other creditors accepting the deal would be lessened," explained Digger. "If the club had gone into liquidation then the bondholders would still have lost out wouldn't they?"

Cleggy, SadTechy and Digger all agree that the Bondholders should get some kind of a reward after the club comes out of administration.

"What the club should do is bend over backwards to make sure they retain them and make sure in the future they get some sort of preferential treatment as they put their money in trust to the club," said regular Terrier Forums poster Cleggy.

Whether the bondholders get some sort of a reward or not, one thing's for sure and that's the fact that our historic club, Huddersfield Town, will be playing football next season. Surely that's enough to heal the wounds of the unlucky Bondholders.

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